Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mom, I need a baby sister.

Yes, you've most likely heard me tell this story before.  Lex wants a baby sister.  He's got several reasons why he would like a sister, and they all make perfect sense to a 5 year old.  You know since God made the world in 7 days, we should go to "God's House" to pick up a baby.  I've explained that you need a mama and a papa and God to make a baby so Lex is encouraging Greg and I to spend as much time together as possible.  I've let Lex know that the mama and papa need to be alone to make the baby . . . well, Lex will leave the room and shout from the play room something like "okay, you're alone now."  He's been praying for a sister.  He's been begging for a sister.  He doesn't understand why I just don't stick one in my belly and pop it out when it's done growing in there.  

I wish it were so easy.


  1. Aww, come on. Make a baby girl already! I think Lex has been spending too much time with Cody. Noah would be more than happy to educate them both about the evils of having a little sister.
