Monday, June 29, 2009

Lex ALMOST gets and Iphone

Greg and I take Lex to the Apple Store to cheer him up after Peter left to go with my parents. Lex was so sad and crushed when Peter didn't come home with us, my heart was breaking for him. So like any good parents, Greg and I bribed him with a trip to the Apple Store and we told him he could stay up late. Let's just say Lex's sadness seemed to evaporate at that point, and he declared things were just fine without his brother.

So, we get to the Apple Store and Lex is trying out all the devices. He is in 5 year old heaven at this point because we let him touch all the displays. Eventually Lex finds an Iphone that he just has to have . . . now when your 5, if someone lets you touch something, it's as good as your own. Lex decides to just pull off that pesky cord that's holding the phone to the table, this way he can walk around with the phone and do what he'd like. The security alarms are going off quite loudly in the store and EVERYONE IS LOOKING AT US! Lex has no idea that his action caused this alarm to sound. The Apple staff comes over and disables the alarm and promptly removes the phone from display.

As I am explaining to the staff in the store that my 5 year old just really wants one, and it wasn't Greg and I that set off the alarm, Lex is walking around saying "I don't steal things, I thought I could have that phone, I thought I had enough money to buy it, I did just find a quarter on the floor."

Monday, June 22, 2009

All I want for Christmas

If ever anyone asks me . . . . "what do your boys want for Christmas?" PVC pipes, 2x4 scraps, saw dust, clamps and vacuum parts is the answer. Yesterday at Erin and Dave's house, Peter and Lex turned their left over construction scraps into a cannon. It's amazing how fast you can turn random items into a weapon. Thank you so much Erin and Dave for giving the boys a chance to create.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Five Foam Swords

This is why I am the BEST mother in the world. . . . I bought the boys 5 (yes five) foam swords. Why 5??? Well if friends come over, we need some for everyone. The boys are having a riot "killing" each other with the swords. "Mom, I think you'd better step back, we don't want to kill you with the swords."

Today is our first play-date since we bought the swords, and we will see just how it pans out. Hopefully all goes well and we don't have any hurt feelings.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Passports In Waiting

We just submitted Passport applications for Peter and Lex.  I honestly thought that Lex was going to have to write his name on the form.  Phew, that was a close one.  

We should have the documents in 4 - 6 weeks.

Now Peter and I are about to start the math that he wouldn't finish in the morning.  Augh, I really wish he'd just have a good attitude.  We still have phonics and logic to get to as well.  We officially finished First Grade Grammar last night.  We finally hit lesson 100 in First Language Lessons.  It's nice to have met a goal.  Now for the hard part . . . getting there.  Wish me patience. 

I'd Like to Sell My Swing Set

Lex wants to sell his swing set and use the money to buy himself and iphone.  I never really noticed that he wanted something like this.  I have no idea exactly what he thinks the iphone will do for him.  Yesterday when Greg got home from work Lex asked Greg how much money MIT gave him. Lex wanted Greg to hand over some cash and head to the mall.  All this so he can "afford" and iphone.  Have we brainwashed our children?  They love to go to the store with the apple that has a bite in it.  

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Grass Isn't Greener . . .

Three days in a row of work is enough.  Honestly, I always fantasize about working more, but I'm much happier at home.  Seriously, the commuting, the productivity, the paper work, documentation, etc is daunting and exhausting.  It is so much work homeschooling the boys, but I'd rather be doing it.  Yes, I'd rather spend my days perseverating over math programs and repeating myself 1000 times about the same things.  I am so guilty of the "grass is greener" syndrome.  I always ASSUME that my life would be more perfect if . . . .  

I WANT to be with my kids all day! Sometimes it helps to go to work to know that this is what I really do want.  Yes, I have made the choice to stay home, which includes homeschooling.  I will have to re-read this post several times over the weeks and months to remind myself that no matter what choices we make, there is no such thing as "perfect."

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Worked Today . . .

I worked today, the second of three days in  a row.  I was at the Ellis in Norwood.  It is a beautiful facility and staffed with such wonderful people.  I got a chance to experience treating one patient at a time all day, it was so much more relaxed.  Tomorrow is Monday, so I expect the facility to be a bit more hectic.  There were less patients with orthopedic dysfunction opposed to neurological dysfunction.  I'm a bit rusty with neuro and prefer the more cut and dry approach with ortho pts.  I tell you, I am tired!  It's was a full first day at a new place.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mom, I need a baby sister.

Yes, you've most likely heard me tell this story before.  Lex wants a baby sister.  He's got several reasons why he would like a sister, and they all make perfect sense to a 5 year old.  You know since God made the world in 7 days, we should go to "God's House" to pick up a baby.  I've explained that you need a mama and a papa and God to make a baby so Lex is encouraging Greg and I to spend as much time together as possible.  I've let Lex know that the mama and papa need to be alone to make the baby . . . well, Lex will leave the room and shout from the play room something like "okay, you're alone now."  He's been praying for a sister.  He's been begging for a sister.  He doesn't understand why I just don't stick one in my belly and pop it out when it's done growing in there.  

I wish it were so easy.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tired at Costco

Peter and Lex have officially inherited the gene from me and my dad - this gene would be the one that encourages you to eat all the free samples at places like Costco.  My dad used to take Winifred to BJ's on Saturdays for lunch.  Well, here's a photo of Lex "relaxing" after too many snacks in a wholesale warehouse (on a glittered animal print pillow and wearing a hibiscus bloom tucked behind his ear).  

Grandpa and Winston

Here's my dad and my "brother."  Yes, finally my dad has a child that LOVES being on the boat, and I got a brother.  My kids are supposed to call the dog "uncle" winston.  Gotta love it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The real housewife in Randolph, MA

I'm addicted to the "Real Housewives of N.J."  Nothing really to say about that except it was bound to happen and it really blows my mind that someone really has that many $100.oo bills in their pocket. . .  

We made it to the free LEGO build tonight.  Can't believe that 1/2 the families at the LEGO store were from our homeschool group.  It was nice to bump into so many friends even if it was for just a little bit.  I bought Peter his first Brick Journal Magazine.  I'm hoping that he's upstairs reading something in it right now.  Lex was able to afford a little power miner set . . .  the only reason he had any money you ask?  He "won" $5.00 because he got all the vomit in the bucket.